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Ejemplos de Oraciones en Pasado Simple

A continuación, te muestro varios ejemplos de oraciones en pasado simple en ingles.

Oraciones Afirmativas en Pasado Simple

Sujeto Verbo Complemento
Ana went to the park.
Juan played soccer with his friends.
María cooked a delicious dinner.
Pedro read an interesting book.
Laura watched a funny movie.
Carlos studied for his exam.
Sofía listened to music.
David danced at the party.
Camila sang a beautiful song.
Miguel painted a picture.
Luisa wrote a letter to her friend.
Daniel drew a picture of his family.
Alejandro built a sandcastle on the beach.
Isabella helped her mother with the dishes.
Santiago cleaned his room.

Oraciones Negativas en Pasado Simple

Sujeto Verbo Complemento
Ana didn’t go to the park.
Juan didn’t play soccer with his friends.
María didn’t cook a delicious dinner.
Pedro didn’t read an interesting book.
Laura didn’t watch a funny movie.
Carlos didn’t study for his exam.
Sofía didn’t listen to music.
David didn’t dance at the party.
Camila didn’t sing a beautiful song.
Miguel didn’t paint a picture.
Luisa didn’t write a letter to her friend.
Daniel didn’t draw a picture of his family.
Alejandro didn’t build a sandcastle on the beach.
Isabella didn’t help her mother with the dishes.
Santiago didn’t clean his room.

Esto te podría interesar: Verbos Irregulares Ejemplos

Preguntas en Pasado Simple

Auxiliar Sujeto Verbo Complemento
Did Ana go to the park?
Did Juan play soccer with his friends?
Did María cook a delicious dinner?
Did Pedro read an interesting book?
Did Laura watch a funny movie?
Did Carlos study for his exam?
Did Sofía listen to music?
Did David dance at the party?
Did Camila sing a beautiful song?
Did Miguel paint a picture?
Did Luisa write a letter to her friend?
Did Daniel draw a picture of his family?
Did Alejandro build a sandcastle on the beach?
Did Isabella help her mother with the dishes?
Did Santiago clean his room?

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