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A Neighborly Exchange | Conversacion en ingles

Te presentamos esta pequeña conversacion en ingles para que puedas practicar. El lenguaje que se utiliza en el dialogo es avanzado; es por eso que, se ha seleccionado algunas palabras para identificar su significado.


A crisp autumn afternoon. Two neighbors, Maya (70s, wise and kind) and Ben (30s, energetic and friendly) are tending to their yards.


(Ben strains to rake a particularly stubborn pile of leaves)

Ben: Ugh, these leaves are putting up a fight today!

(Maya chuckles from across the fence, leaning on her rake)

Maya: Seems like they don’t want to give up their summer tan just yet.

Ben: (Grinning) You could say that. Fall’s always a battle, but hey, at least it means cooler weather’s coming.

Maya: True enough. Though, I must admit, I do miss the smell of fresh-cut grass.

Ben: You wouldn’t happen to have any of those magic elixirs that keep your lawn green year-round, would you, Maya? Mine’s looking a little worse for wear.

Maya: (Laughing) No magic, just a lot of love and a good watering schedule. But I can share some tips if you’d like!

Ben: Really? I’d appreciate that more than you know. These past few months haven’t exactly been kind to my gardening skills.

Maya: Well, that’s what neighbors are for, right? Sharing a cup of tea and some gardening wisdom. How about this Saturday afternoon?

Ben: Sounds perfect! Thanks, Maya, you’re a lifesaver.

Maya: Don’t mention it, Ben. Besides, a little company in the garden always makes the work go by faster.


Word Spanish Meaning
Strains Esforzarse Puts in a lot of effort
Stubborn Terco Difficult to move or change
Chuckles Se ríe entre dientes Laughs quietly
Leaning Se apoya Rests against something with weight
Grinning Sonriendo ampliamente Smiling broadly
Elixirs Elixires Magical potions
Schedule Horario Plan for doing things at specific times
Appreciates Aprecia Values or likes something
Skills Habilidades Talents or abilities
Lifesaver Salvador Someone who helps in a difficult situation

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