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Ejemplos de Oraciones en Presente Simple en Ingles

El presente simple es uno de los tiempos verbales más básicos del inglés y se utiliza en una amplia variedad de situaciones. Es por eso que, a continuación te presentamos varios ejemplos de oraciones en presente simple en ingles.

Oraciones Afirmativas en Presente Simple

  • John eats breakfast every day.
  • Emma goes to school every day.
  • Michael plays the piano.
  • Sophia likes to read books.
  • David lives in a house.
  • Olivia works in an office.
  • James travels to different countries.
  • Buddy barks at the neighbors’ cat.
  • Whiskers sleeps on my bed.
  • Alice and Bob love me very much.

Contenido relacionado: Mas de 70 Oraciones en Ingles Usando Adjetivos

Oraciones Negativas en Presente Simple

  • John doesn’t eat breakfast every day.
  • Emma doesn’t go to school every day.
  • Michael doesn’t play the piano.
  • Sophia doesn’t like to read books.
  • David doesn’t live in a house.
  • Olivia doesn’t work in an office.
  • James doesn’t travel to different countries.
  • Buddy doesn’t bark at the neighbors’ cat.
  • Whiskers doesn’t sleep on my bed.
  • Alice and Bob don’t love me very much.

Preguntas en Presente Simple

  • Does John eat breakfast every day?
  • Do Emma and Mike go to school every day?
  • Does Michael play the piano?
  • Does Sophia like to read books?
  • Do David and Rachel live in a house?
  • Do Olivia and Jake work in an office?
  • Do James and Lily travel to different countries?
  • Does Buddy bark at the neighbors’ cat?
  • Does Whiskers sleep on your bed?
  • Do Alice and Bob’s parents love them very much?