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The Princess and The Dragon | Pronombres Personales

Historia corta usando Pronombres Personales

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Lila who lived in a castle by the sea. She loved to explore the nearby forest, where she met many animals and birds. One day, she stumbled upon a cave that she had never seen before. She was curious and decided to enter it.

Inside the cave, she found a huge dragon sleeping on a pile of gold and jewels. The dragon had scales of green and blue, and horns of silver. He looked majestic and powerful, but also peaceful and gentle. She felt a strange attraction to him, and wanted to get closer. She tiptoed towards him, careful not to make any noise.

The dragon sensed her presence and opened his eyes. He saw a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and a blue dress. He was surprised and intrigued by her, and wondered what she was doing in his cave. He did not feel threatened by her, but rather curious and amused. He greeted her with a deep and friendly voice.

“Hello, little one. Who are you and what are you doing here?”

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Lila was startled and scared, but also fascinated by the dragon. She gathered her courage and answered him.

“Hello, sir. I’m Lila, the princess of this land. was exploring the forest and I found your cave. I’m sorry if disturbed youI didn’t mean to.”

The dragon smiled and said, “You don’t have to apologize, princess. I‘m glad to have a visitor. I‘m Zane, the dragon of this mountain. I‘ve been living here for a long time, and I rarely see anyone. You are the first human I‘ve ever talked to.”

Lila felt a surge of excitement and joy. She had always dreamed of meeting a dragon, and now she had one in front of her. She asked him, “Can I stay with you for a while? I want to know more about you and your world.”

Zane nodded and said, “Of course, you can. would love to share my stories and secrets with you. Come, sit next to me, and let’s talk.”

They spent the next few hours chatting and laughing, as if they had known each other for a long time. They found out that they had a lot in common, and that they enjoyed each other’s company. They felt a strong connection and a mutual respect, and soon, a friendship was born.

They decided to meet again the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. They became inseparable, and their bond grew deeper and stronger. They learned from each other, and they helped each other. They made each other happy, and they protected each other from harm.

One day, however, their happiness was threatened by a dark force. A wicked king from a neighboring kingdom had heard about the dragon’s treasure, and he wanted to take it for himself. He gathered a large army of knights and soldiers, and marched towards the mountain. He planned to kill the dragon and steal his gold.

Lila heard about the king’s evil scheme, and she rushed to warn Zane. She found him in his cave, and told him what was happening. Zane was furious and scared, and he prepared to fight. He said to Lila, “You have to leave, princess. It’s too dangerous for you to stay here. Go back to your castle, and be safe.”

Lila shook her head and said, “No, Zane. I won’t leave youYou are my friend, and I love youI will fight with you, and I will defend youWe will face this together, and we will win.”

Zane was touched and grateful, and he hugged her. He said, “Thank you, Lila. You are my friend, and I love you too. You are brave and loyal, and I admire youWe will face this together, and we will win.”

They went out of the cave, and saw the king’s army approaching. They stood side by side, ready to battle. The king saw them, and he laughed. He said, “Look at that, a princess and a dragon. How pathetic and foolish. You don’t stand a chance against me and my men. Surrender now, and I might spare your lives.”

Lila and Zane ignored him, and they charged towards him. They fought with courage and skill, using their wits and their powers. They dodged the arrows and the swords, and they breathed fire and magic. They were unstoppable, and they defeated the king and his army. They cheered and celebrated, and they hugged each other.

They returned to the cave, and they thanked each other for their support and their sacrifice. They realized that they had more than a friendship, they had a love. A love that was pure and true, and that transcended all differences and boundaries. They decided to stay together, and to live happily ever after.

The End.

The moral of the story is: 

Don’t judge a book by its cover. You can find love and friendship in the most unexpected places.

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